A time-periodic axial force acting on a continuous structure can be destabilized by parametric excitation. Moreover, it is capable of increasing the equivalent damping and shortening the transient vibrations. In this work, this concept is extended, and dynamic stability of a Mindlin-Reissner plate is analyzed. The FE formulation for the four-node plate element is derived by employing the variational approach including the action of an axial force. The stability of the time-periodic system is evaluated both numerically and analytically, using Floquet theory and first-order approximation based on the averaging method, respectively. The influence of plate length, thickness, and aspect ratio on dynamic stability is highlighted. It is demonstrated that the instability tongue at a parametric combination resonance frequency of the summation type is shifted toward higher axial force amplitudes by increasing the plate width and decreasing the plate length. Alternatively, the axial force acting in the vicinity of a parametric combination frequency of the difference type shows a parametric antiresonance which is maximized by exactly the opposite tuning of the plate design. This guideline is important when plate design under the action of a harmonic axial force is considered.
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