Masonry structures belonged to the Cultural Heritage suffered severe damages in the last decays due to the action of the settlement-induced ground movements. The researchers have been developing numerical tools for the vulnerability analysis and assessment of masonry structures subjected to settlements. Continuous, discrete and rigid block models were proposed in literature. The analysis of both local or global failure modes due to settlement is a still debated topic, involving several questions related to the modelling techniques and to the investigation of the parameters which affect the masonry behaviour against foundation movements. In this framework, the paper focuses on a numerical approach for the settlement analysis based on the rigid block limit analysis. The Italian Code (NTC 2018) also suggests linear kinematic approach for the seismic-induced collapse mechanisms analysis. In such a formulation, the structure is modelled as a collection of polyhedral rigid blocks assuming frictional contact interfaces with infinite compressive strength and zero tensile strength and neglecting the mortar contribution. Originally formulated for the in-plane and out-of-plane mechanisms analysis, the numerical formulation was recently improved in order to analyze blocky-structures subjected to uniform settlement.Numerical case study of a monumental masonry church façade subjected to uniform settlement at the base was presented in this paper aiming at testing the numerical procedure. The results were discussed to evaluate the software capability and accuracy in the settlement-induced collapse mechanisms prediction.
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