The revival of a skin test reagent reported by Johnsonet al. [1] provides the potential for renewal of amodality that is useful for evaluation of the immuno-logic response of patients with coccidioidomycosis.Ampel and Hector [2] in a prior commentary pointedout the value of skin testing and in vitro measurementof cellular immunity in coccidioidomycosis.Even before the differing geographic distribution ofthe presumed two species of Coccidioides immitis andCoccidioides posadasii was demonstrated, the reac-tivity to coccidioidin (mycelial) or spherulin derivedfrom the spherule-endospore (S/E) phase was demon-strated across broad geographic areas that were hometo Coccidioides species.While various coccidioidins had been prepared frommycelialphasecultures(reviewedbySmithetal.[ 3]),themost extensive evaluation and practical application wereculture filtrates of Coccidioides grown in the synthetic(non-antigenic) modified asparagine-containing Bureauof Animal Industry medium previously used for tuber-culin. Smith et al. [3] responding to the possible thoughunlikely antigenic differences among strains of Coccid-ioides,culturedmultiplestrainsfromCalifornia,Arizona,Texas and elsewhere. Grown s tatic, the culture-yieldedfiltrates are harvested severa l weeks later, filter sterilizedand preserved with thimerosal 1:10,000 final concentra-tion.Fromexaminationofthecultures,itwasevidentthatautolysis of mycelium had taken place. Later, deliberateautolysisofmyceliaresulted inreleaseofpotentserologicandskintestantigens[4]. HB Levine et al. [5]hadsuccessfully adapted the method and synthetic mediumof John Converse for cultivation of the S/E phase ofCoccidioides. They deliberately allowed the S/E phasecellstoautolyzeinsterilewatertoyieldspherule-derivedcoccidioidin which they termed ‘‘spherulins’’. WhileSmith’scoccidioidinwasderivedfrommultiplestrainsofCoccidioides, Levine et al. [5] prepared spherulin from asingle strain, either strain Silveira, later categorized asC. posadasii,orstrain46,aC. immitis. As laterrecognized for serologic reactivity [6], antigens preparedfrom either species suffice for skin testing regardless ofthe geographic provenance of patients. Moreover, withinthe coccidioidin and spherulinweremorethan20antigenic components, some of which were not commonto both preparations [7]. Coccidioidal skin test antigensdo not affect serologic reactivity as may accompanyhistoplasmin skin tests [8]. Levine et al. [9, 10]inanumber of papers provided evidence that spherulindetected a higher proportion of reactors (was more‘‘sensitive’’) than coccidioidin among various groups ofhumansinendemicareas.However,adissentingreportofGifford and Cantanzaro [11] suggested that there was nosignificant difference in se nsitivity of the two reagentsamong patients with various forms of coccidioidomyco-sis. Anergy tococcidioidalskintestshadbeenconsideredan unfavorable response in patients with coccidioidal
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