Reactions of ethane on a platinum filament were examined at pressures of 10 -4 to 10 -7 mm and filament temperatures of 1300 to 1800°K. A mass spectrometric method was used whereby free radicals and atoms evaporating from the filament were directly observable. The activity of the filament depended upon its pre-treatment. A new filament, cleaned by flashing for only a short time, gave ethyl radicals and ethylene. With use the filament lost its activity. First, the formation of ethyl radicals ceased, and only ethylene was produced. With further use, this reaction ceased. No reaction at all was then observed. Progressive poisoning to ethane reaction also occurred when a filament was outgassed in vacuum. Residual oil vapours present at about 10 -9 mm pressure, were observed to react on the incandescent filament. A poisoned filament again converted ethane to ethylene in the presence of water or heavy water, but not in the presence of oxygen, hydrogen, oxygen + hydrogen mixtures or methyl alcohol. The probability of the reaction in the presep.ce of water was proportional to water pressure. No reaction of water was observed, and no isotope exchange between ethane and heavy water. The hypothesis is advanced that carbonization poisons the filament, and the adsorbed water on the carbonized filament facilitates the transfer of vibrational energy to adsorbed ethane. A poisoned filament could be made active again by heating in oxygen. The initial reaction of ethane was then again molecular dehydrogenation to ethylene, but ethyl radicals appeared after a short time. This is ascribed to reduction of an oxide layer. The probability of reaction of an ethane molecule per collision with the filament when ethyl radicals were formed was 10 3.5 exp (-40 kcal/ RT ). On a slightly used filament, giving ethylene only, it was 10 1.3 exp (-26.5 kcal/ RT ). Both reactions were first-order. Oxygen dissociated on a filament to give atomic oxygen in high yield. At extremely low pressures the order of reaction was one, but at higher pressures it changed towards one-half. The formation of atomic oxygen, and the ethane reactions, occurred quite independently when a mixture of the two gases was used. Dissociative adsorption to atoms is postulated for oxygen and molecular adsorption for ethane. The absolute rate of reaction for ethane is not in agreement with the concept of a transition state localized at a site on the surface. A mobile transition state is proposed. Other reactions which have been supposed to support the hypothesis of an immobile transition state are shown not to do so, but to support the concept of a mobile transition state.
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