AbstractBackground and aimTuberculosis is a major public health problem in the world, affecting 30% of the world’spopulation. Treatment of tuberculosis is the most effective strategy to stop the spread of thedisease. However, non-adherence remains an important cause of treatment failure. It is believedself-efficacy may affect patient’s compliance to treatment regimen. The purpose of this study is todetermine the correlation between self-efficiency and treatment compliance in tuberculosis patientsattending to medical centers of Kurdistan University of medical sciences Kudistan, Iran.Materials and MethodA descriptive-correlational design was used. The sample of the study consisted of 161 tuberculosispatients attending to health centers in Kurdistan province .Data were collected using a self efficacyquestionnaire and the review of patients' medical records. he validity of the questionnaires weredetermined by 12 experts through the content validity and formal validity methods. The minimumindex of content validity for self-efficiency questionnaire was calculated to be 75.5 percent and thatof compliance was 83.5 percent. The reliability of the questionnaires was determined using theKrunbach's Alpha-Test. The coefficient of reliability for self-efficiency questionnaire andcompliance questionnaire were 0.94 and 0.97 respectively. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 16software.FindingsThe average age for patients was 58±12 years old. 61.5 percent of studied samples were male andthe rest were female. The amount of compliance by patients was moderate (average scores of30.23) and correlated to age, marital status, job, income level, education and place of living but, itsrelation to gender was not statistically significant. The amount of self-efficiency of the majority ofpatients was moderate (41.6 percent) and it was also related to age, marital status, job, incomelevel, education and place of living but its relation to gender was not statistically significant. Therewas a direct and strong correlation between self-efficiency and compliance (P<0.001, r=0.90).ConclusionThe reason why the compliance level in this study has been higher with respect to the previoussimilar studies could be due to the implementation of direct supervision and control system overtreatment. In this study there was a significant correlation between compliance and self-efficiencywhich was in consistency with most studies in this field while in Hamilton (2000) no significantcorrelation between the two variables was reported. Given that the correlation coefficient ofPearson in this study is positive and close to 1 (P < 0.001, r = 0.90), it indicates a direct and strongcorrelation between the two variables of self-efficiency and compliance.Corresponding Author:Zhila Abed Saeedi, Assistant professor Shahid Beheshti Department ofNursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,Tehran Iran . 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