PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 岷江上游高山森林溪流木质残体碳、氮和磷贮量特征 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201409081772 作者: 作者单位: 四川农业大学生态林业研究所,四川农业大学生态林业研究所,理县林业局,四川农业大学生态林业研究所,四川农业大学生态林业研究所,四川农业大学生态林业研究所 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: S718.5 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点项目(31270498, 31170423); 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划(2011BAC09B05);四川省杰出青年学术与技术带头人培育项目(2012JQ0008, 2012JQ0059); 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(2012T50782) Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage of woody debris in headwater streams in an alpine forest in the upper reaches of the Mingjiang River Author: Affiliation: Key Laboratory of Ecological Forestry Engineering,Institute of Ecology Forestry,Long-term Research Station of Alpine Forest Ecosystem,Sichuan Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Ecological Forestry Engineering,Institute of Ecology Forestry,Long-term Research Station of Alpine Forest Ecosystem,Sichuan Agricultural University,Forestry Bureau of Lixian County,Lixian,Key Laboratory of Ecological Forestry Engineering,Institute of Ecology Forestry,Long-term Research Station of Alpine Forest Ecosystem,Sichuan Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Ecological Forestry Engineering,Institute of Ecology Forestry,Long-term Research Station of Alpine Forest Ecosystem,Sichuan Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Ecological Forestry Engineering,Institute of Ecology Forestry,Long-term Research Station of Alpine Forest Ecosystem,Sichuan Agricultural University Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:森林溪流木质残体是森林生态系统与水域之间物质循环和能量流动的主要联结之一,其碳、氮和磷贮量不仅可影响森林与溪流生态系统的结构和功能,而且与下游水体环境密切相关。因此,于2013年8月雨季以岷江上游典型高山森林为研究对象,调查了12条森林溪流木质残体的碳、氮和磷贮量分配特征,并汇算了研究区域内碳、氮和磷在溪流中单位面积的总贮量。结果表明,高山森林溪流木质残体碳、氮和磷的溪流单位面积总贮量分别为312.1 g/m2、809.5 mg/m2和110.9 mg/m2;在溪流中,木质残体碳、氮和磷贮量以径级为1-2.5 cm和2.5-5 cm的木质残体分布居多,分别共占碳、氮和磷总贮量的86.71%、87.20%和84.55%;木质残体碳、氮和磷贮量以Ⅴ腐烂级分配最多,分别共占碳、氮和磷总贮量的65.86%、67.86%和60.31%;尽管溪流各项特征与碳、氮和磷元素贮量的相关性不显著,但基本达到中度相关关系。这些结果为认识森林生态系统中以木质残体为载体的碳、氮和磷输出潜力提供了基础数据。 Abstract:Woody debris, an essential component in headwater streams in the forest, plays an important linkage role in material cycling and the flow of energy between the ecosystems of the land and water. As the decomposition proceeds, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other elements in the woody debris are gradually released into the streams. These released elements, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, are not only an important contribution into the forest ecosystems but also affect the water environment of the forest streams and the downstream ecosystems. However, little information has been available on the storage of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in woody debris in the forest streams. Therefore, for this study in August, 2013, we selected 12 headwater streams, in the upper reaches of the Mingjiang River, located in an alpine primary forest in western Sichuan. In each stream, we investigated the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage of the woody debris, as well as their distribution patterns, pertaining to the diameters and the decay classes, from the head to the end, in the woody debris. The Akaike information criterion, corrected for sample size (AICC), was used for the selection of the optimum linear fit model to evaluate the total carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage of woody debris in the headwater streams of the area of investigation. The results showed that the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storages of woody debris per unit area of streams were 312.1 g/m2, 809.5 mg/m2, and 110.9 mg/m2, respectively, in these alpine forest headwater streams. Large variations were observed among the headwater streams pertaining to the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage of the woody debris. Moreover, both the woody debris diameter and the decay class could affect the storage of the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Woody debris at diameters of 1-2.5 cm and 2.5-5 cm contributed significantly more carbon (86.71%), nitrogen (87.20%), and phosphorus (84.55%) storage to the total storage, compared with those at other diameters. Woody debris at a diameter of >10 cm contributed the least and accounted for only 1.17%, 0.94%, and 1.56% of the total carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage, respectively. In contrast, the woody debris of decay class Ⅴ showed the highest contribution to carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage; which were 65.86%, 67.86%, and 60.31%, respectively, of the total carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus storage. However, the woody debris of decay classes Ⅱ and Ⅲ accounted for only 8.14%, 8.70%, and 8.94% of the total carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage, respectively. There were insignificant correlations between the storages of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus (storage per unit stream area) of the woody debris and the characteristics (length, width, depth, area, velocity, and discharge) of streams. The results obtained here could provide the basic data and sufficient scientific evidence to understand the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contribution potential of woody debris in headwater streams in alpine forest ecosystems. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献
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