This report summarizes the legal protection available for computer software in most significant markets around the world as of January 1998. It also identifies changes in the availability of legal protection since the January 1997 version of this report. The methods of protection covered are copyright, trademark, patent and contract. The accompanying chart summarizes whether software is currently within the subject matter protected under the copyright or patent law of each country listed. Since the extent of copyright protection for a software work also depends on mutual membership in an international convention or a bilateral agreement, the chart identifies convention memberships. Certain bilateral agreements between the US and other countries are identified as well. Thus, for both US and foreign software, the current availability of subject matter protection in a particular country can be determined from the chart. Local counsel should be consulted, however, before distributing software in a particular market to confirm and update this information and to advise on the practicality of enforcement, evidentiary considerations and other protection mechanisms. Not all national laws or convention memberships provide retroactive protection for previously published or unpublished software, so the effective date of the law and the membership can be critical in determining whether a particular work is protected. Such issues of timing are beyond the scope of this report. This report also updates the status of recent legal developments related to encryption software and the liability of online service providers.