Nowadays, a large number of low-income and middle-income countries recourse to foreign financial aid in order to develop economically and socially, but not all of them comply with the requirements for being eligible to receive this financial aid. In these circumstances, aid conditionality as one of the elements and mechanisms of the lending process raised many questions about its concept and especially its consequences. However, it is still considered to be one of the best monitoring instruments used by the international financial bodies to enhance the economic and social development of the recipient countries, despite the fact that this influence has many negative impacts.Given research paper seeks to examine the theory and practice of foreign aid to understand its political economic implications for both the donor and recipient countries. Though this small study is rooted in the historical context of past experiences, it derives contemporary significance from the fact that despite a global shift from bilateral to multilateral aid and foreign aid to foreign direct investment, various forms of foreign aid still flows to the developing countries and in substantial amounts, and the rationality of foreign aid as a promoter of growth and development of the underdeveloped/developing countries remains by and large uncontested both in theory and in practice.The main goal of this paper is to study and analyze the role of foreign aid conditionality for different countries such as the Republic of Moldova.Our opinion is that Moldova needs to improve the efficiency and equity of its public spending, in particular through better management of public capital investments, which are crucial for higher growth. Administrative and judicial reforms remain a challenge for improving public sector governance, which is a precondition for European integration and economic modernization. Taking into account all presented data, in our personal opinion, the government of the Republic of Moldova has to forget the word “stability” in foreign aid inflow, until it will achieve positive changes in the level of economic and social development of the country. Stability for Moldova in the present situation equates with persistence of high outflow of work force/lost of citizens, corruption, human trafficking, weak economy, political uncertainty and impoverished population. Proper word that could describe the government's will in Moldova should be “changes”, operated in all fields of the socio-economic life, and first of all in the role which government plays in national economy that should become an active, interventionist one.The aid conditionality as the foundation of the aid agreements must be strongly revised and reformed, in accordance with the existing countries’ experiences in order to be treated as a benefic mechanism both by the donor and the recipient countries. As being a quite new mechanism and proceeding from the fact that the national governments started to be more disciplined, we think it is possible to optimize this instrument and to continue the main purpose of it: to grow the international level of population’s welfare.
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