The Stramberk Limestone (Tithonian–lower Berriasian) was developed on a northerly located, isolated intra-Tethyan carbonate platform. It is composed of various facies that can be observed in olistoliths and blocks embedded in the Cretaceous flysch of the Outer Carpathians in Moravia (Czech Republic). Corals, microbialites, microencrusters and synsedimentary cements contributed on various scales to the reef framework. The importance of corals and some microencrusters to the formation of the Stramberk reef complex is well recognized, while other components received less attention in previous studies. Two end members of boundstone types are described from the Kotouc Quarry, near Stramberk. Boundstone type A is dominated by phaceloid (branching-type) corals, encrusted by microbialites and microencrusters, in particular photophile species (“ Lithocodium-Bacinella”, Koskinobullina socialis Cherchi et Schroeder, Iberopora bodeuri Granier et Berthou). Boundstone type B is composed of microencrusters, microbialites and synsedimentary isopachous fibrous cements, while corals are absent or subordinate. Microencrusters [ Crescentiella morronensis (Crescenti) , Labes atramentosa Eliasova , Perturbatacrusta leini Schlagintweit et Gawlick , Radiomura cautica Senowbari-Daryan et Schafer , thin encrusting calcified sponges] are main biotic components of the microencruster-cement boundstone. Some identified microencrusters are known only or mostly from intra-Tethyan carbonate platforms. Except for C. morronensis, other common microencrusters in the coral-microbial boundstone (type A) are rare in the microencruster-cement boundstone (type B). The depositional setting of boundstone type A corresponds to a low-energy environment of an inner platform. Boundstone type B, until now not recognized in the Stramberk Limestone, was developed in a high-energy, upper fore-reef slope environment. Other important facies in the Kotouc Quarry are reef-derived breccias: matrix-supported breccia and clast-supported breccia with radiaxial-fibrous cement (showing some similarities to Triassic “evinosponges” cement), interpreted as being dominantly synsedimentary (pre-burial). The preliminary studies by the present authors, supported by observations under cathodoluminescence, highlight the significance of synsedimentary cementation for the formation of a boundstone framework (type B) and the stabilization of fore-reef, slope deposits.
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