Internal stratigraphy of a Late Quaternary sediment wedge on the New Jersey outer continental shelf has been investigated using regional and 3-D seismic surveys, sediment cores and foraminiferal biofacies analysis. Results from the study help constrain Late Wisconsinan glacialldeglacial history in this area. Three major reflectors (channels, S and R) define 5 stratigraphic units: Si -modern sediments; S2-sands overlying a channelized surface (Channels reflector); S3-muds, clays and sandy muds below the channelized surface and above reflector S; S4-an unsampled unit between reflectors S and R; and S5-sands underlying reflector R, the latter surface defining the base of the sediment wedge. Multivariate quantitative analysis delineates four major faunal groups characterizing these stratigraphic units. Faunal patterns are interpreted in terms of modern foraminiferal distributions, planktoniclbenthic ratios and faunal abundance patterns. Group A dominates units S2 and S5 and is characterized by Cibicides lobatulus and Cassidulina islandica. The fauna indicates middle neritic water depths, moderate to high current energy, and moderate accumulation rates. Group B dominates unit S3 (muddy unit) and is characterized by Elphidium excavatum s.l., Buccella frigida, Fursenkoina fusiformis and miliolid spp. This fauna represents an environment with no modern analogue on the New Jersey continental shelf, reflecting middle neritic, low-energy conditions and the accumulation of predominantly muddy sediments. Group C dominates the modern sediment veneer (unit Si), and its diverse fauna is consistent with modern faunal distributions and environmental conditions. Group D consists of a low-diversity fauna dominated by Fursenkoina fusiformis and Nonionella sp., which characterizes a few samples in unit S3. Environmental conditions are probably similar to those described for faunal group B. The distribution and interpretation of these faunas, combined with preliminary C-14 AMS dates, indicate that the Quaternary history of the outer-shelf sedi-