A computer program designed to calculate ration dry matter, crude protein, total digestible nutrients, acid detergent fiber, cost, macrominerals, and microminerals was developed. Feeds, designated by number, and amounts fed are entered by the program user. A library file contains feeds and their standard laboratory analytical concentrations for all nutrients to be evaluated. Modification of Standard nutrient concentrations is made via screen editing. Three screens are used to accommodate all nutrients. The first screen contains dry matter, crude protein, total digestible nutrients, acid detergent fiber, and cost. Screens 2 and 3 contain, respectively, the macrominerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, and potassium) and microminerals (iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium). National Research Council's nutrient requirements are calculated and printed on the screen, and the percent of the requirement met by the ration being fed is displayed. This program has been used extensively by extension personnel, faculty, and students for ration evaluation, problem solving, trial-and-error ration balancing, and instruction to demonstrate the principles of ration balancing.
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