Remote sensing analysis is an efficient tool for updating geological maps. The regional scale map obtained in this project from compilation of the pre-existing maps and of a number of space images is somewhat more complete. It takes into account the usual field and laboratory parameters of the rock units, through the previous geologic maps, together with remote sensing parameters such as spectral signatures, textures, roughness, morphology that are observed from optical, microwave and DEM imagery. With more rock characteristics, the old maps are obligatory improved. The Cenozoic faulting in the Al Hamra al Hamadah plateau is largely influenced by the tectonics affecting the Paleozoic oil bearing structures that are hidden by the late Cretaceous-Paleocene layers. The tectonic style is that of reactivation of the Paleozoic faults under effects of the NNE-trending regional tension. Then the faults on the surface of the plateau would indicate location of the hidden Paleozoic faults in depth. A flat plateau, in the arid environment, appears to be a very favorable environment for mapping of gentle folds, faults and tectonic sinkholes. Remote sensing is a fruitful approach in this case study. The gentle anticlines for instance are undetectable in the field, but computer assisted shadowing with a low elevation angle of illumination is the key processing for evidencing these features. Problems of drillings in the area are well known for example to Waha, AGOCO and PB Companies during their exploration activities in the concessions in Ghadames Basin. According to them several incidents of losing drilling Pits have occurred and drilling came into a hole. Because this paper is aimed to know the exact location of sinkholes in the Ghadames basin, I would recommend all the oil companies to review this work and try to trace the sinkholes indicated to minimize the risk of drilling problems.
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