A single cylindrical neutron spectrometer (SCNS) with a gold activation foil was designed for mono-directional high-flux neutron spectrum measurement applications. A total of seven gold activation foils with a diameter of 11 mm and a thickness of 0.2 mm were placed in the moderator as detectors with a depth variation of 15 mm. The moderator was cylindrical with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 16 cm and made of polyethylene. Outside the moderator is a neutron shield made of 3 mm boron-rubber and 0.5-mm cadmium and covered with an aluminum casing of 5 mm thickness. The response value of each detector was determined by simulation using the Monte Carlo MCNPX 2.7 program. The simulated response detectors was then partially validated by comparing the simulation and the measurement result with an AmBe neutron source, where the difference is around 3%. The obtained results showed that SCNS with a gold activation foil could be used to measure the neutron spectrum in a high-flux neutron field.
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