Wet grinding is a process that involves many different subprocesses. In order to model this highly complex process, efficient models of the individual subprocesses are required that are robust enough to be used in multiphysics analyses. To approach the modelling of the macroscopic hydrodynamic effects of the grinding wheel as one component of the analysis, this paper is dedicated to the thermo-hydrodynamic problem and its modelling by expanding the isogeometric analysis (IGA) from hydrodynamic analysis to the thermal consideration. Extended by a consideration of flow effects in areas with high surface gradients and particular attention paid to the necessary stabilization of the governing equations, thermo-hydrodynamic systems with temperature- and pressure-dependent fluid properties are considered. Selected benchmarks feasible for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are used to demonstrate the good suitability of this modelling strategy. The presented modelling strategies can also be applied to lubricated technical systems in general, beyond wet grinding systems.