The use of Polynomial Chaos expansions to model the transfer of the statistical properties of the sound speed in ocean waveguides to those of acoustic waves passing through them is described. A perturbational framework approximating the interaction of acoustic normal modes with fluctuations around a background sound speed is used, with the fluctuations being represented vertically by empirical orthogonal functions and horizontally by correlation functions. The Polynomial Chaos expansions are derived to second order in the uncorrelated random variable representing the sound speed fluctuations for the generalized phase of the complex modal amplitudes, and to third order for the modal amplitudes themselves. The ability of the second order polynomial chaos expansion for the generalized model phase to accurately model acoustic propagation statistics is closely coupled to the accuracy of the adiabatic approximation in light scattering regimes. The weights of the Polynomial Chaos expansions are obtained using both direct (theoretical) and indirect (least-squares fit) methods. Divergence between these two sets of weights increases with combinations of increasing strength of sound speed fluctuations, increasing frequency, or increasing range, indicating where a higher order expansion may be necessary. Modelling results for the first and second moments of the acoustic intensity and the Scintillation Index in random waveguides are presented and compared to Monte Carlo results.
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