My object in this paper is to make it clear that to what extent the service radius of the park for children is affected by the area of park, and by the sex distinction of children, and by the distinction of school years. So, at first, I named "the base point of playing" for the house that is the nearest to the spot of each playing, among houses of a child own and his friends' whom played with. And, I took the tendensy of the relation between the distribution of distances from "each base point of playing" to the nearest park, and each percentage of the number of play, such as play in parks or play on roads or play in vacant lots, to the total number of play. And, I classified the area of park to 7 ranks by the tendensy of that relation. On each classified rank of park, the service radius of the park for children was taken as shown in Table 8. And, the next, on each classified rank of park, I took the service radii of the park for children in such cases as girls are playing, as boys are playing, as each school year children are playing. The results in this study are as follows; (1) The service radius is affected by the area of the park to such extent as shown in Table 8. But, the fluctuation of the service radius is small. On each classified rank of park, the service radius is included in 80 + 40 meters. (2) The service radius is not affected by the sex distinction of children, neither by the distinction of school years. (Table 12)