The medical term for painful period is "dysmenorrhoea". Dysmenorrhoea among adolescents is of primary in nature that is without any pelvic pathology. Among Vimshati yonirogas described in Ayurveda classics Udavarta is men- tioned as a condition with painful and difficult menstruation, so it can be correlated to primary dysmenorrhoea. In this condition the Rajas flow in reverse direction hence the term Udavartini. Women feel immediate relief following discharge of menstrual blood. Normal menstrual flow is the function of Apana vata therefore Apana vata dushti can be considered as the responsible factor for Udavarta. Because of the high prevalence of dysmenorrhoea in adoles- cents and extent of its potential daily interference it should be seriously taken into consideration. Ayurvedic classic textbook along with available modern literatures were referred to make a clear view regarding the concept of Uda- varta and its possible correlation with primary dysmenorrhoea. Keywords: Primary dysmenorrhoea, Udavarta, dysmenorrhea