Floral and seed traits, their relationships, and responses to abiotic constraints are considered the key determinants of the invasion success of non-native plant species. However, studies evaluating the pattern of floral and seed traits of non-native species in mountain ecosystems are lacking. In this study, we determined (a) whether the floral and seed traits of native and non-native species show similarity or dissimilarity across elevations in mountains, and (b) whether the non-native species follow different allometric patterns compared with native species. Functional variations between native and non-native species were assessed through floral and seed traits: flower count, flower display area, flower mass, specific flower area, seed count, and seed mass across an elevational gradient. Permanent plots (20 × 20 m) were laid at each 100 m elevation rise from 2000 to 4000 m a.s.l. for sampling of herbaceous plant species. The mean values of floral and seed traits such as flower display area, specific flower area, and seed count were significantly higher for non-native species compared to native species. A significant difference in trait values (flower display area, flower mass, seed count, and seed mass) between non-native species and native species was observed along the elevational gradient, except for flower count and specific flower area. The bivariate relationship revealed non-native species to exhibit a stronger relationship between flower display area ∼ flower mass, and flower display area ∼ seed mass traits than the native species. Non-native species showed enhanced reproductive ability under varying environmental conditions along an elevational gradient in mountain ecosystems. Greater flower display area and seed mass at lower elevations and a stronger overall trait-trait relationship among non-native species implied resource investment in pollinator visualization, flower mass, and seed quality over seed quantity. The study concludes that enhanced plasticity and reproductive fitness of floral and seed traits would consequently aid non-native species to adapt, become invasive, and displace native species in mountain ecosystems if the climatic barriers acting on non-native species are reduced with climate change.
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