Simple SummaryIn the context of climate warming, modifications in plant pollination and reproductive success constitute a crucial issue. Modifications of both floral signals (display, size of flowers) and rewards (nectar and pollen) due to increased air temperatures may affect plant–pollinator interactions. However, relationships between modifications in floral traits and rewards caused by increased air temperatures and the associated effects on pollinator visitation rate and foraging behavior have not been thoroughly investigated. To explore the effects of temperature increase on plant–pollinator interactions, we chose the highly attractive bee-pollinated Borago officinalis and one of its pollinators, Bombus terrestris. We measured visual floral signals and rewards for plants cultivated at 21 °C or 26 °C and we investigated bumblebee behavior by tracking insect visits on plants in an indoor flight arena. Our results show that exposure to higher temperature during the flowering stages of B. officinalis negatively affects visual floral traits (e.g., by reducing the number of flowers) as well as floral rewards, affecting bumblebee visitation and foraging behavior. Bumblebees visited flowers from plants grown at 26 °C four times less frequently than they visited those from plants grown at 21 °C. Thus, the global increases in temperature caused by climate change could reduce plant pollination rates and reproductive success by reducing flower visitation.(1) Background: Plants attract pollinators using several visual signals, mainly involving the display, size, shape, and color of flowers. Each signal is relevant for pollinators foraging for floral rewards, pollen, and nectar. Changes in floral signals and rewards can be induced by an increase in temperature, drought, or other abiotic stresses and are expected to increase as global temperatures rise. In this study, we explored how pollinators respond to modified floral signals and rewards following an increase in temperature; (2) Methods: We tested the effects of warmer temperatures on bee-pollinated starflower (Borago officinalis, Boraginaceae) and determined the behavior of one of its main pollinators, the buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris). We measured visual floral traits (display and size) and rewards (nectar and pollen) for plants cultivated at 21 °C or 26 °C. We investigated bumblebee behavior by tracking insect visits in a binary choice experiment in an indoor flight arena; (3) Results: Plants cultivated at 26 °C exhibited a smaller floral area (i.e., corolla sizes summed for all flowers per plant, 34.4 ± 2.3 cm2 versus 71.2 ± 2.7 cm2) and a greater flower height (i.e., height of the last inflorescence on the stem, 87 ± 1 cm versus 75 ± 1 cm) compared to plants grown at 21 °C. Nectar production per flower was lower in plants grown at 26 °C than in plants grown at 21 °C (2.67 ± 0.37 µL versus 4.15 ± 0.22 µL), and bumblebees visited flowers from plants grown at 26 °C four times less frequently than they visited those from plants grown at 21 °C; (4) Conclusions: These results show that warmer temperatures affect floral signals and reduce overall floral resources accessible to pollinators. Thus, the global increases in temperature caused by climate change could reduce plant pollination rates and reproductive success by reducing flower visitation.
Declining pollinator abundance and diversity is a major source of concern for biodiversity in the context of global climate change [1,2]
We explored how pollinators respond to modified floral signals and rewards following an increase in temperature; (2) Methods: We tested the effects of warmer temperatures on bee-pollinated starflower (Borago officinalis, Boraginaceae) and determined the behavior of one of its main pollinators, the buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
We investigated bumblebee behavior by tracking insect visits in a binary choice experiment in an indoor flight arena; (3) Results: Plants cultivated at 26 ◦C exhibited a smaller floral area and a greater flower height compared to plants grown at 21 ◦C
Declining pollinator abundance and diversity is a major source of concern for biodiversity in the context of global climate change [1,2]. Climate change can influence how insects interact with flowers by modifying floral signals and rewards [6,7]. Pollen development, and fertility and viability, is negatively affected by heat stress [11,48] Modifications of both floral signals and rewards due to elevated temperatures may affect plant–pollinator interactions, causing morphological and/or recognition mismatches between the two partners [7]. As visual floral traits and rewards are reduced by higher temperatures in B. officinalis [49], we sought to document and characterize the possible changes in visitW Wtoagoaotgfcefnilfrhtfrfirioeeoidgoproco5nwehgiuilinsfsnnac°rtopttenaCivehrarnsalitweani.stsrcssgoge)dW.eh.ts[rifpnWia4ntofgeAlapm9ogwaate.]lrgosnta,bbattWerthnhwveegefsdlrhteiwiecoesssnanabh.u.wtgsivupapnWWao2iemmbllvoru1areeeereflsgnbbsh◦smooheettlCftashefrrnritevgsobaebattoa.iaelmneotuosrWdtetumr2edrparpd1ebaeootrbeaileefcm°d2tlabchseCusb6nhueebavmuatnam◦oevigsnmsCsteeriruedbuogsno,badalrrruttueltreoloepabebend2flwbnwyefla6dooevecdnoaeefrt°hiwrasrrsCbcpaadulhegetolt,csaosaharrtkui2nslohrgaafin1aftunlevenrsldocerxopgi°atwtowepCrelorrsriaooreenilbisfoavsdrbzsseuesnteyepueihdrmgdeiclcetsdattnxehturbflrneopadvwaelsontloeicassrpsitbb2kssaiiatoeyt6eciteelonnsdasemrhi°sgdsleidbCtiinpcwbiogfeuin.olelnnhamoaeanrWasterraitbecntbdarctreehciullosanmittearnrlelhibalneevnmdpceyrewgioideoypetsnpenhraoisocsactectrerstrhrotirdihenuflotannoisawetlrniidslgausvieceoneinihieradztiseogtinteitoihsbtfcracdenanoeoirr5sidntneeusntttio◦ahanowpditCBrosnnaaosiyoer..t.flbouwmebrlsefbreoems wploaunltds gbreolwesnsaattt2r1ac◦tCedvetorstuhse2f6lo◦wCe. rWs eofhpylpaontthsegsrizoewdnthaatt2b6u°mCbalnedbeveissiwt othuelmd bleeslsesosftaetntrcaoctmedpatoretdhetoflfolwoweresrsofopf lpalnatnstgs rgorwown nata2t62◦1C°Can. d visit them less often compared to flowers of plants grown at 21 ◦C
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