Flower morphology, nectary structure, nectar features (chemical composition, secretion pattern, standing crop, removal effects) and flower visitors are analysed in an Argentinian population of Combretum fruticosum. The variability of these data was examined throughout the flower lifetime. Nectar is hexose dominant. Its chemical composition and concentration are constant for all flowering stages. Nectar volume varies as a function of flower age due to a combination of nectar secretion, cessation and resorption periods. The overall sugar production is decreased by nectar removal. The plant is self-incompatible and xenogamous. Only 16.2% of the flowers set seeds. Inflorescences with green flowers were exclusively visited by two hummingbird and three perching bird species which transfer the pollen. A clear link was observed among nectar production pattern, standing crop of nectar, and visitors' behaviour.
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