Background The article shows the effect of the insecticide «Zemlin», the active substance of which is diazinone, on soil organisms and on some plant species. This pesticide is actively used in the agroindustrial sector of the country in the fight against various pests. Aims and Objectives In order to detect the anthropogenic load of the soil ecosystem in the effects of the drug «Zemlin» containing diazinone, and to assess the toxicity of the insecticide on soil organisms, earthrworms ( Lumbricus terrestris L .) and bacteria living in the soil: Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Arthrobacter sp., Azotobacter sp., Flavobacterium sp. The drug was analyzed for phytotoxicity on onion sprouts ( Allium cepa ), cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ) and Helichrysum arenarium . Biodestruction of diazinon with soil microorganisms-destructors has been investigated. Methods The material for experiments was the drug «Zemlin» in which the active substance is diazinone. A fertile black-and-yellow product, selected from the environmentally friendly territory of the Karmaskalinsky Region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In this work, experiments were conducted on the effects of the drug on earthworms, taking into account their behavior, modeled the condition of contact of earthworms ( Lumbricus terrestris L.) with the drug. Studies on phytotoxicity were carried out, as test objects used vegetable and floral crops (onion, cabbage, helichrysum). Determining the number of microorganisms in soil samples before and after exposure to insecticide in PC concentrations (production concentration), 2PC and 5PC were carried out by «fingerprinting» in petri dishes on meatpepton agar (MPA) taken as nutrient environment. We planted soil samples and cultivated them from 2 to 5 days in a thermostat at 28 °С. Microorganisms used diazinone as a source of carbon and energy. The change in the destructive material was determined with the help of a thinlayer chromatogram (TSX), the plates SilufolUV-254 were used, the ehuent was acetone, the developer of phosphorus-molybdenic acid ( Rf = 0.3). Chromato-mass spectral analysis was carried out on the device ShimadzuGC-9A. Results Analysis of the effects of the insecticide on the basis of diazinone on earthworms showed that the drug has a high toxic effect. In PC for 3 days live earthworms were observed 60 %. In an experiment to study phytotoxicity, the analysis showed that after treatment with the drug «Zemlin» with different concentrations: PC, 2PC, 5PC and control (drug free) the length of the above-ground and underground parts of plants that were etched, different from the control sample. It has been established that the length of the sprouts increases when the concentration of diazinon increases. Diazinon does not have toxicity to seeds, and enhances their growth and development. In an experiment to establish the effects of the insecticide on soil bacteria, it was found that in soil, untreated toxicant, the dominant microorganisms are Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Arthrobacter sp., Azotobacter sp. and Azotobacter sp. and Flavobacterium sp. When the concentration of the substance of the drug (PC, 2PC, 5 PC) increases, there is a change in the quality and quantitative composition of soil microorganisms. The decrease in the number of microorganisms occurs already during the production concentration. 2 PC pollution of leads to the disappearance from the microenvironment of the soil Azotobacter sp., Arthrobacter sp. and Flavobacterium sp. Toxic action of diazinon is sustained by bacteria of the species Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp. Biodestruction of the diazinon was carried out for 65 days. After 14 days in the NMR and GLC-MS spectrums products of hydralise diazinone appeared. The complete chemical transformation of the studied pesticide takes place on 65 days (control on TLH), in the NMR 31P spectrum there are no signals of the phosphorus atom. At the same time, there is no diazinone in the GLC-MS spectrum, but there has been a peak identified as 4.6- dimethyl-N-phenylpiridin-2-amin, which can be considered as a biodegradation product under the influence of Pseudomonas sp. bacteria.
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