Steel portal framed industrial buildings have been widely used as warehouses, supermarkets, manufacturing workshops and storage facilities around the world. As such, these buildings make up a significant portion of the building stock. Despite this, there remains a lack of the physics-based flood vulnerability models necessary for undertaking detailed community flood risk management activities (e.g., quantitative risk assessment, cost-benefit analysis of risk reduction and resilience enhancement measures at the building level). To this end, this study developed a physics-based vulnerability assessment method for steel portal framed industrial buildings subjected to hydrostatic and hydrodynamic flood actions. Physical damage induced by flood forces to the building envelope (wall siding and fenestration) and the structural framing (steel portal frames and end wall frames) was considered. Monte Carlo simulations incorporate various flood load cases, probability models of demands and capacities as well as major failure mechanisms of different structural and non-structural components to conduct the damage assessment. The flood vulnerabilities for a prototype industrial building link the physical damage of individual building subassemblies to monetary loss ratios considering various inundation depths, flow velocities and flow directions.
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