The space charge transport described by the convection-reaction equations is sim- ulated by using the Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) method. Compared to the traditional flnite volume method, the RKDG method has higher accuracy and better perfor- mance of capturing the steep front in the charge proflle. Combined with the RKDG method, the local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) method was adopted to solve the Poisson's equation instead of the previous boundary element method (BEM), in order that the numerical quadrature for the solution of the convection-reaction equations is replaced by analytical formulas. The bipo- lar charge transport under dc voltage is simulated by the RKDG+LDG method, which is more e-cient and produces identical results with those of the RKDG+BEM method. The space charge dynamics plays an important role on the degradation and the breakdown of solid dielectrics under the high voltage due to the intensiflcation of the local electric fleld. The transport of the difierent species of space charges under the electric fleld can be described by a set of convection-reaction equations coupled with the Poisson's equation. In our previous work, the RKDG method was utilized to solve the convection-reaction equations (1). Unlike the traditional QUICKEST method with the ULTIMATE ∞ux limiter (2,3), the RKDG method can handle the convection and the reaction terms simultaneously without incorporating the split procedure (4), and the high-order accuracy can be obtained without incorporating a wide stencil, which is more suitable for the shock capturing than the QUICKEST method (5). For the solution of the Poisson's equation, the local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) method proposed by B. Cockburn etal. (5,6) is adopted in this paper instead of the generally used boundary element method (BEM) (7), in order to replace the numerical quadrature with analytical formulas in the RKDG weak formulation of the convection-reaction equations. This combined RKDG+LDG method is verifled by the simulation of the space charge transport in a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sample under high dc voltage. The results show that the proposed method is more e-cient and produces identical space charge proflles with those of the RKDG+BEM method.
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