Acceptable Noise Level (ANL) is defined as the most comfortable level (MCL) intensity for speech and is calculated by subtracting the maximum noise tolerable by an individual. The ANL test has been used over time to predict hearing aid use and the impact of digital noise reduction. This study analyzes this impact by using different masker babble spectra when performing the ANL test in both hearing-impaired and healthy subjects in three different languages (Dutch, French, and Italian). A total of 198 patients underwent the ANL test in their native language using a standardized protocol. The babble file was speech-weighted to match the long-term spectrum of the specific ANL language version. ANL was proposed in three different masking conditions: with multitalker Matched babble speech noise, with the same masking signal with the spectrum reduced from 2 kHz onwards (High Cut), and with the spectrum increased from 2 kHz onwards (High Boost). In all of the comparisons among the three languages, ANL with High Boost noise gave significantly higher (worse) scores than ANL with Matched noise (p-value S1: <0.0001, S2: <0.0001, S3: 0.0003) and ANL with High Cut noise (p-value S1: 0.0002, S2: <0.0001, S3: <0.0001). The ANL values did not show any significant correlation with age and gender. In French, a weak correlation was found between ANL with High Cut noise and the Fletcher index of the worst ear. In Italian, a weak correlation was found between both ANL with Matched and High Boost noise and the Fletcher index of the best ear. ANL with High Boost added to noise stimuli was less acceptable for all patients in all of the languages. The ANL results did not vary in relation to the patients' characteristics. This study confirms that the ANL test has potential application for clinical use regardless of the native language spoken.
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