The existence of the Second Flavor of Hydrogen Atoms (SFHA), predicted theoretically in 2001, has been confirmed by four different types of atomic or molecular experiments, and evidenced by two different types of astrophysical observations. The SFHA is based on the second analytical solution of the standard Dirac equation. Despite this solution is singular at small r, it can be matched with the regular solution inside the proton for the S-states, and thus becomes legitimate. The SFHA have only the S-states: so, in accordance to the selection rules of quantum mechanics they do not couple to the electromagnetic radiation (except for the 21 cm spectral line): they remain dark. In the present paper we extended the legitimacy of the second analytical solution of the Dirac equation outside the nucleus to heavy ions. We predicted the existence of the second flavor of heavy ions and thus the flavor symmetry of these ions. These ions have only the S-states, so that they remain dark just as the SFHA. This theoretical result has the fundamental importance in its own right. Also, it could encourage experimentalists to perform experiments for the verification of the existence of the second flavor of heavy ions. The most probable candidates are ions whose nuclei are double-magic and thus spherical. As an application of the above fundamental result, we referred to the comparison between the nuclear charge radius rn,μ, determined experimentally by the muonic x-ray transition energies, and the nuclear charge radius rn,e, determined experimentally from the elastic electron scattering. The comparison was possible for two spherical nuclei: for 40Ca20, as well as for 48Ca20. In each case, rn,e turned out to be by about 1% smaller, than rn,μ, the difference being well beyond the experimental error margin. We showed in both above examples, that a relatively small admixture (∼10%) of the second flavor of heavy ions in the target reconciles the values of the nuclear charge radius, measured by two different methods, in favor of the larger value. Finally, we noted that while the SFHA is one of the leading candidates for dark matter or a part of it, there are still unsuccessful attempts to find Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMP) as a part of dark matter. We suggested that if there are massive dark matter particles, then more realistically they could be the second flavor of heavy ions, described in the present paper: they are really dark.