A new zinc fixed-point cell for the dissemination of International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) was realized at the Italian National Metrological Institute (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, INRiM). This paper presents the results of its characterization, including fabrication details. In particular, immersion effects and influences of impurities on the freezing point of zinc were studied. The new open-type cell was prepared using a high purity sample, chemically analyzed, and the depression of the fixed-point temperature was calculated using the method of Sum of Individual Estimates (SIE). The new cell presents a smaller freezing point depression compared with the national reference for which the Overall Maximum Estimate (OME) method was applied. This behavior was confirmed also by the direct comparison of the two cells. These results provide confidence on the agreement between the experimental comparison and the SIE/OME evaluation. Finally, the improvement of the new zinc cell is reflected also in a lower uncertainty budget for the fixed-point realization.
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