Continuous-variable quantum teleportation enables deterministic teleportation of quantum states of optical modes. However, the state transfer is imperfect and limited by the amount of squeezing in the shared two-mode entangled state. Recently, it has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated that the performance of continuous-variable teleportation can be conditionally improved using a measurement-based noiseless quantum amplification [J. Zhao et al., Nat. Commun.14, 4745 (2023)10.1038/s41467-023-40438-z]. An inverse Gaussian filter with sufficiently high cut-off is applied to outcomes of the continuous-variable Bell measurement, which can increase the fidelity of state teleportation and the cost of making the protocol probabilistic. Here we provide a detailed theoretical analysis of this protocol and discuss its effects and limitations. We focus on teleportation of classes of Gaussian states with fixed covariance matrix and variable displacement. The measurement-based noiseless amplification conditionally improves the precision of estimation of the coherent displacement of the teleported state from the outcomes of continuous-variable Bell measurement. Therefore, more information about the teleported state is revealed and unity-gain teleportation becomes possible with a lower added thermal noise as compared to deterministic teleportation.
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