Amultielectrode enzyme sensor system was applied to determine the freshness indicator [KI={(HxR+Hx)/(IMP+HxR+Hx)}×100]in some fish and the display of freshness pattemwas studied by a computer. Moreover, the exudate obtained by the heat and press-treatment ofthe fish muscle was examined to determine zhe freshness of the fish. The apparatus used in this study consisted of multielectrode enzyme sensor, relay controller, A/D converter, microcomputer, floppy disk, monitor and printer. The output current of thesensor was read by the computer and converted to digital signals every s sec. This data wasstored in the floppy disk. The amounts of hypoxanthine(Hx), inosine(HxR), inosine mono-phosphate(IMP)and KI value were calculated by the computer on the basis of this data. Fresh-ness of fish was expressed as foillows; very fresh: KI<10, fresh: KI<40, not fresh:KI>40. Fresh-ness pattern was depicted on the display screen in the shape of a triangle, the apexes were C1/C0, C2/C0 and C3/C0, where C1, C2 and C3 are the concentration of Hx, HxR and IMP, respectively.C0 is the total amount of C1, C2 and C3. In order to avoid the tedious extraction procedure for the preparation of samples, fish muscleswere heated at 80°C for 5-10min and press-treated to obtain the exudates. The KI values of the exudates were in fair agreement with those of the extracts which were prepared by the con-ventional extraction method. One assay including the preparation of sample required about15min.
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