The article examines the populations of rare species of orchids Cypripedium calceolus (L.), Epipactis helleborine L., Goodyera repens (L.) R.Br, Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich., Neottianthe cucullata (L.) Schlechter, Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. The temperate continental climate prevails on the territory of Tatarstan, which is typical for the central part and northwestern regions of the Volga and Predkamye. In contrast, the north and northeast of Tatarstan are characterized by a moderately cool climate with a lot of precipitation during the growing season. Small fragments of the southern taiga complexes with green moss spruce and fir are formed in the north, in the Baltasi district. Dark coniferous species – spruce and fir are dominated in the north-east along the river Vyatka in Lubyanskoye forestry in coniferous-deciduous forests. Such habitats are characterized by the predominance of typically boreal and boreal-nemoral species of shrubs, grasses and mosses. Rare species have been recorded: Pyrola media Sw., P. chlorantha Sw., Diphasiastrum complanatum (L.) Holub, Hypopitys monotropa Crantz, Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie. Orchid populations have some features. The development and flowering of Platanthera bifolia and Cypripedium calceolus occur 7–10 days later in comparison with central and northwestern regions of Tatarstan. Virginal and adult vegetative individuals predominate in the population structure. Generative individuals of C. calceolus in spruce-broad-leaved and pine-spruce with fir forests often do not form clones; their share is 72 % of all generative plants. The number of shoots of C. calceolus clones decreases and makes in average 3.2 shoots. On the contrary, the number of shoots in clones of the northwestern populations is equal to 6.5. The share of generative individuals of the studied populations of P. bifolia is 25 % on average and it significantly decreases in the populations of the recreational zone of the National Park. The species grows here in dry pine forests on compacted soil, and, probably, tourists pick flowers up for bouquets. Populations of N. cucullata and G. repens are found only in the protected and buffer zones of the National Park. The age structure is full-term though the share of generative plants is quite low and averages 34 % for N. cucullata, and only 15 % for G. repens. N. cucullata and G. repens have not been found yet in habitats with suitable abiotic and biotic conditions in the north and north-east of Tatarstan. This fact requires further research. The species composition of mosses is almost identical in the habitats of orchids (Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt., dominates among mosses in all phytocenoses, but the projective cover and height of the moss tufts differ significantly. Typically boreal and hemiboreal species are registered: P. schreberi Dicranum polysetum Sw., Dicranum scoparium Hedw., Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus (Hedw.) Warnst, Rhodobryum roseum (Hedw.) Limpr., Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Bruch et al., Ptilium crista-castrensis (Hedw.) DeNot. A rare species – Plagiomnium drummondii (Bruch&Schimp.) T.J. Kop. is identified in the north of the Republic of Tatarstan. The abundance and development of mosses, as guarantors of humidity and preservation of microclimatic conditions, are important conditions for the growth of symbiotrophic fungi that contribute to the maintenance of orchids and many species of boreal forests on the southern border of their distribution.
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