Currently, digital filters are employed in a wide range of signal processing applications, using fixed- and floating-point processors. Regarding the former, some filter implementations may be highly prone to errors, due to problems related to finite word-length. In particular, signal processing modules may produce overflows and unwanted noise, which are caused by quantization and round-off effects, during accumulative-addition and multiplication operations. As a consequence, the system output may overflow or even keep oscillating, which compromises the expected system performance. The present paper addresses this problem and proposes a new methodology for verifying digital filters, called digital systems verifier, which is based on state-of-the-art bounded model checkers that support full C and employ solvers for boolean satisfiability and satisfiability modulo theories. In addition to verifying overflow and limit-cycle occurrences, the present approach can also check output errors and time constraints, based on discrete-time models implemented in C. Experiments conducted during this work show that the proposed methodology is effective, when finding realistic design errors with respect to fixed-point implementations of digital filters. Going further than previous attempts, the present results suggest that the proposed method, in addition to helping designers in determining the number of bits for fixed-point representations, can also aid in defining details about filter realization and structure.