We present the results of a non-perturbative determination of the improvement coefficient c_mathrm{V} and the renormalisation factor Z_mathrm{V}, which define the renormalised vector current in three-flavour mathrm{O}(a) improved lattice QCD with Wilson quarks and tree-level Symanzik-improved gauge action. In case of the improvement coefficient, we consider both lattice descriptions of the vector current, the local as well as the conserved (i.e., point-split) one. Our improvement and normalisation conditions are based on massive chiral Ward identities and numerically evaluated in the Schrödinger functional setup, which allows to eliminate finite quark mass effects in a controlled way. In order to ensure a smooth dependence of the renormalisation constant and improvement coefficients on the bare gauge coupling, our computation proceeds along a line of constant physics, covering the typical range of lattice spacings 0.04,mathrm{fm}lesssim alesssim 0.1,mathrm{fm} that is useful for phenomenological applications. Especially for the improvement coefficient of the local vector current, we report significant differences between the one-loop perturbative estimates and our non-perturbative results.
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