ABSTRACT Topology optimization (TO) is a mathematical method that optimizes a part’s layout, maintaining the project’s spatial constraints, considering loads, boundary conditions, and manufacturing to maximize its performance. Through mesh analysis, non-essential areas in the structure are identified, allowing efficient material removal without compromising its integrity. However, it is not usual to use TO without changing the part layout, focusing only on removing its internal mass, as is done in this paper. Therefore, two sets of cylindrical ABS samples were generated: one with an internal structure obtained by TO, varying the density of finite element mesh through the SolidWorks Software, and another with an internal structure chosen in the slicing stage before 3D printing. Then, the samples were subjected to the same compression tests. According to the results, all models support loads above the 10 kN specified. Unlike theoretical expectations, the best performance was from the coarse mesh TO, which was statistically equivalent to the tri-hexagonal and grid infill patterns. However, TOs made with medium and fine mesh pushed the limit of the piece shape, making the wall very thin and reducing its resistance. Using the infill pattern proved to be simpler to execute and less time-consuming to manufacture.
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