A continuous action of a finite group G on a closed orientable surface X is said to be gpnf (Gilman purely non-free) if every element of G has a fixed point on X. We prove that the biggest order μ(g), of a gpnf-action on a surface of even genus g≥2, is bounded below by 8g and that this bound is sharp for infinitely many even g as well. This provides, for even genera, a gpnf-action analog of the celebrated Accola-Maclachlan bound 8g+8 for arbitrary finite continuous actions. We also describe the asymptotic behavior of μ. We define M as the set of values of the formμ˜(g)=μ(g)g+1, and its subsets M+ and M− corresponding to even and odd genera g. We show that the set M+d, of accumulation points of M+, consists of a single number 8. If g is odd, then we prove that 4g≤μ(g)<8g. We conjecture that this lower bound is sharp for infinitely many odd g. Finally, we prove that this conjecture implies that 4 is the only element of M−d, leading to Md={4,8}.
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