Biometric systems are one of the most reliable and popular techniques today and fingerprint authentication is one of the most reliable and robust biometric techniques due to its nature. The characteristics of fingerprints play a big and important role in the authentication of people. In this research, fingerprint authentication scheme consists of many stages: image enhancement, binarization, segmentation, spine thinning, detail extraction. In this authentication we use Gaussian filter for better result. Hybrid protection is created through a combination of biometrics and cryptography, such as fingerprint and cryptography schemes. The combination of many biometric features with a single crypto key should offer an approach to increase authenticity and reduce the fake acceptance rate (FAR) and fake rejection rate (FRR) of fingerprints. For each new user of a biometric system, the combination of a cryptobiometric system will overcome the limitations of accuracy and vulnerabilities. We want to protect our real data from unauthorized people and systems, so we use cryptographic schemes as Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman's key exchange algorithm. Biometric techniques can be used for various applications, such as:Biometrics can help make processes, transactions and everyday life safer and more convenient. You can use biometric data anywhere. to provide a valid identity solution. Cryptographic systems and fingerprint authentication have been identified as two of the most important aspects of the security environment. In this document, two powerful techniques are combined to produce better and safer results. In this study we use Gaussian Tyagi, S., Kumar, M., Singh, D. & Tyagi, H. (2023). IRJPMC; 1(1)– 27– filters, because less FAR and less FRR, with fingerprints authorized and finally authentication being a security key or a secure message created for a particular job . If the entered fingerprint matches the authorized person, but the DBA fingerprint does not, the system says "You are an unauthorized person, please try again." If the two fingerprints match, it will send all the secure passwords or cryptographic keys or secure messages for each work. It is developed by MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory). The proposed algorithm was tested on the FVC2004 database and compared with all participants in FVC2004. Keyword: Biometric systems, Fingerprint authentication, Image enhancement, Cryptography, Gaussian filter, FAR, and FRR.