Time series data is widely available in a variety of industries. By forecasting time series, decision-makers can better grasp future trends and make more effective decisions. Financial time series data exhibit non-stationarity and high volatility. High-frequency fluctuations in financial products such as exchange rates, bonds and equities may reflect external shocks and risks in global financial markets, which are potentially dangerous and may threaten national economic security or even trigger financial crises. For financial time series data, a deep recurrent neural network first progressively processes each data point in the time series through its recurrent unit. Each recurring unit can adjust its own weights to better predict or analyze future values. Over time, these recurrent units continuously update their internal state, resulting in a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of the entire data sequence. In addition, we add a gating mechanism to further improve the network's ability to control the flow of information, so that the model is more effective when retaining long-term dependencies, so as to improve the accuracy of prediction and the stability of the model. Experimental results show that our recurrent neural network model shows higher prediction accuracy and stability than other baseline models on financial time series datasets.
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