By virtue of the space occupied by at least one monomolecular layer of a liquid (3) separating continua of two identical (1) or two different materials (1) and (2), it could be argued that the minimum equilibrium distance d 0123 and d 0123 must be greater than the equilibrium distances d 0123 or d 0123 (all of which < 2 Λ) between two identical or ion-identical continua (liquid or solid) in the absence of a third, intervening liquid. As long as actual liquid molecules are intercalated between the two continua, that is indubitably the case. However, within the same thermodynamic model used for deriving the Hamaker coefficients A123 or A??? (using d 0??? or d???), d * 0??? or d * 0??? (the asterisks serving to indicate the “equilibrium distances” as defined by the thermodynamic model) may be used for deriving A??? and A???, and within that framework it is postulated that all the above d 0 and d * 0 values may be taken to be of the same order of magnitude. The agreement among the experimental results obtained by a number of different approaches appear to confirm that all d 0??? and d 0??? are of the same order of magnitude. The agreement between A??? values found via surface tension measurements and the postulated d *??? and A??? values for the same systems derived via the Lifshitz approach, indicates that d *??? is indeed also of the same order of magnitude as d 0??? and d 0???. In real physical systems (e.g., antigen—antibody interactions of the van der Waals type) it can be shown that the interaction begins as one of the “132” type and then tends toward the “41” variety, accompanied by extrusion of liquid (3). However that process is seldom completed; the final equilibrium binding energy has a value intermediate between Δ F 123 and Δ F 13.
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