Collective coordinates are frequently employed in path integrals to manage divergences caused by fluctuations around saddle points that align with classical symmetries. These coordinates parametrize a manifold of zero modes and more broadly provide judicious coordinates on the space of fields. However, changing from local coordinates around a saddle point to more global collective coordinates is remarkably subtle. The main complication is that the mapping from local coordinates to collective coordinates is generically multivalued. Consequently one is forced to either restrict the domain of path integral in a delicate way, or otherwise correct for the multivaluedness by dividing the path integral by certain intersection numbers. We provide a careful treatment of how to fix collective coordinates while accounting for these intersection numbers, and then demonstrate the importance of the fix for free theories. We also provide a detailed study of the fix for interacting theories and show that the contributions of higher intersections to the path integral can be nonperturbatively suppressed. Using a variety of examples ranging from single-particle quantum mechanics to quantum field theory, we explain and resolve various pitfalls in the implementation of collective coordinates. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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