The term “ agent” has became a buzzword these days, not only in academic circles, but also in some computer magazines and application fields of computer science like manufacturing and logistics. Hence, there is a pressing need for a design methodology for multi-agent systems. Or even stronger, there is a demand for an agent engineering technology, which includes computer assistance during the design phases, for the validation of the designed system, and for the implementation of the multi-agent system as a physically distributed system. This status report will introduce the field of multi-agent systems and its design. Three prominent applications will serve as a first motivation of the theme. Based on the ideas of the agent examples a discussion on the term agent will serve as a first motivation of the theme. Based of the theme. Based on the ideas of the agent architecture of an agent, its communication capabilities, and planning in a multi-agent context. After this broad technical introduction the main topic of this work will be tackled. An introduction to five methodologies for the design of multi-agent systems will be given and a new one, the AWIC method, will be presented. Eventually a brief discussion about the multi-agent design approaches will be given, the missing correlations to the task definitions will be critizised, and further research directions will be proposed.
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