Let F be the field of modular functions of all levels on the upper half plane, with, say, Fourier coefficients in the field of all roots of unity. One can define in an obvious way two types of automorphisms of F. First we note that F is a Galois extension of Q(j), where j is the modular function. We have therefore the Galois group U of automorphisms of F over Q(j). Second, if ~ is an element of G(~ (rational 2 x 2 matrices with positive determinant), then the map f~foe gives an automorphism of F. Shimura [4] has determined the structure of the group of automorphisms of F, and in particular has shown that it is equal to UGh. We shall give another proof of this fact, based on an entirely different principle than Shimura's arguments. Let a be an automorphism ofF. If crj =j, then (~sU and we are done. The whole point is to prove that if ~r moves j, then we can compose cr with some e so as to fix j, Let A be an abelian curve having invariant j, defined over Q(j), say by a Weierstrass equation y2=4x3-g 2 x-g3. As is standard (cf. [4]), we can identify F with the field obtained by adjoining to Q(j) all the x-coordinates of the points of finite order on A. For any positive integer N let A N be the group of points of period N on A. Let p be a prime number, and let
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