With the continuous scaling down of semiconductor devices, traditional transistor architectures face significant challenges in maintaining performance and power efficiency. Multi-bridge channel field-effect transistors (MBCFETs) are promising candidates for next-generation of transistors, enabling significant size reduction while preserving high performance. This paper investigates both n-type and p-type 3-nm MBCFETs with a focus on their behavior under diverse operating conditions. The study examines the influence of doping concentration, sheet thickness, temperature, device width, and the number of sheets, on the device's functionality aiming for high-performance applications. Doping concentrations of acceptors and donors ranging from 1 × 10 15 cm−3 - 9 × 10 17 cm−3 and 1 × 10 17 cm−3 - 9 × 10 19 cm−3, respectively, to observe their impact on device performance. Similarly, sheet thicknesses from 1 nm to 2 nm and device widths from 3 nm to 30 nm are analyzed to understand the scaling effects. The temperature varies from 273.15 K to 573.15 K to simulate different operational environments, while the number of sheets, ranging from 1 to 7, is adjusted to evaluate structural effects on device behavior. By extracting the subthreshold swing (SS), threshold voltage (Vth), ON-current (ION), OFF-current (IOFF), and the ION/IOFF ratio, the study offers valuable insights into the suitability and potential applications of N-MBCFET and P-MBCFET devices at the ultra-scaled 3 nm dimension. At room temperatures, the SS achieves 60 mV dec⁻1 for n-type and 64 mV dec⁻1 for p-type which indicates proper switching speed, with corresponding ON/OFF ratios of 2 × 106 and 1 × 105 for n-type and p-type, respectively. This study makes notable contributions to the field of nanoscale transistor technology, aiding in the design and optimization of future electronic devices.
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