PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 北京西山地区大山雀与其它鸟类种群种间联结分析 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201302060247 作者: 作者单位: 北京林业大学,北京林业大学,北京林业大学,北京林业大学,北京市西山试验林场,北京市西山试验林场,北京林业大学,北京林业大学 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家林业公益性行业科研专项经费项目(200904019) Interspecific associations between Parus major and other bird communities in Beijing Xishan region Author: Affiliation: Beijing Forestry University,Beijing,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing,,Beijing Xishan Experimental Forest Farm,Beijing,Beijing Xishan Experimental Forest Farm,Beijing,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:引入2×2列联表联结指数法,用固定样带法月连续全天定位调查数据,以森林鸟类广布种山雀科大山雀(Parus major)为目标种,研究了北京西山地区该种与留鸟、夏候鸟、冬候鸟、旅鸟的种间联结关系,结合前人关于营巢行为、取食行为、生态位等方面成果分析了产生联结的原因,首次确立了鸟类群落种间联结的研究方法。结果表明:(1)用固定样带法月连续全天定位调查,引入2×2列联表以日尺度的定性数据检验与测定联结度,与月尺度的联结频率结合起来,分析鸟类群落的种间联结是可行的;鸟类群落的种间联结具有时间与空间尺度的双重属性,鸟类群落的种间联结度不仅是鸟类群落时空结构与格局的表征,同时,反映了鸟类群落的动态性,而且,鸟类群落的种间联结对栖息的植物群落具有依赖性与关联性。(2)日尺度上,选择χ2统计量、PCC与PC指数相结合进行种间联结检验、测度,能充分反映鸟类群落的种间联结特征,但由于鸟类的居留、繁殖、迁移等季节动态性特征,种间联结度存有不确定性。(3)月尺度上,鸟类总体种间联结8月份为显著负联结,其余各月为显著正联结;根据PCC联结度的月联结频率,可将鸟类划分为正联结组、正负联结均较弱组、负联结组;大山雀与留鸟、夏候鸟、冬候鸟、旅鸟等不同居留型的联结关系,随着种数的减少,显著联结种对、联结度、联结复杂程度呈递减趋势。大山雀与留鸟的联结:与鸦科鸟类呈明显正联结,与同科鸟类呈正负均等的弱联结并趋于负联结,与体型较大的雉、啄木鸟、乌鸦等鸟类呈负联结。大山雀与夏候鸟的联结:与杜鹃科四声杜鹃呈正联结,与同科的黄腹山雀、鹟科的白眉姬鹟正负联结均较弱,与莺科的黄腰柳莺、鸫科的北红尾鸲等呈负联结。大山雀与冬候鸟的联结:与岩鹨科棕眉山岩鹨的正负联结均较弱,与鸫科的斑鸫、鹀科多种鸟类呈明显的负联结。大山雀与旅鸟的联结:与莺科鸟类由正负联结均较弱到明显的负联结。 Abstract:This paper researched the interspecific associations between Parus major, which is a forest widespread species, and other four settlement pattern birds (resident, summer migrant, winter migrant and migratory bird) in Beijing Xishan based on the use of 2×2 contingency table, association (similarity) coefficients and fixed strip method. The causes of species-associations were analyzed by reviewing literatures on the nest-building behavior, the feeding behavior and niche characteristics. The method of bird community species-associations was established for the first time in this study. The results showed that: (1)Analyzing species-associations of bird communities was possible by using the method of field survey, combining qualitative data test and association (similarity) coefficients under day time scale and frequency of species-associations under monthly scale; The bird species-associations had dual properties of temporal and spatial scales, which not only illuminated the temporal-spatial structure characterizations but also reflected the dynamics of these birds communities. At the same time, bird species-associations depended on the plant communities of the habitat. (2)The result showed that the combination of χ2 test, point correlation coefficient (PCC) and percentage co-ocurrence(PC) was an effective way to measure the associations under day time scale. However, because of seasonal dynamic characteristics of the residence, breeding, migration of birds, the bird species-associations had uncertainty. (3)Significant positive correlation was found in the overall correlation of all species from March to next January, except for August reflecting significant negative correlation under monthly scale. According to the monthly frequency of PCC, the bird communities in Beijing Xishan region were divided into three types: positive association groups, weak positive and negative association groups, negative association groups; With the reduction of species, the species pairs and the complicated degree of interspecific associations showed decreasing trend between the parus major and four settlement pattern birds (resident, summer migrant, winter migrant and migratory bird). The species-associations between parus major and resident: the pairs of parus major and Corvidae showed positive correlation; the pairs of parus major and Paridae showed that weak interspecific association with equipotent positive and negative frequency of PCC tend to form negative correlation; the pairs of parus major and morphological significant lagrer resident (ie, Phasianidae, Picidae etc) showed negative correlation. The species-associations between parus major and summer migrant: the pairs of parus major and Cuculus micropterus showed positive correlation; the pairs of parus major and Parus venustulus, parus major and Ficedula zanthopygia showed weak interspecific association with equipotent positive and negative frequency of PCC; The pairs of parus major and Phylloscopus proregulus, parus major and Phoenicurus auroreus showed negative correlation. The species-associations between parus major and winter migrant: the pairs of parus major and Prunella montanella showed weak interspecific association with equipotent positive and negative frequency of PCC; The pairs of parus major and Turdus naumanni, parus major and most of Emberizidae showed significant negative correlation. The species-associations between parus major and migratory bird: the pairs of parus major and Sylviidae showed that weak interspecific association with equipotent positive and negative frequency of PCC tend to form significant negative correlation. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献
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