Abstract SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composites (SiCf/SiC) with 2D woven fabric as preform were tested under compression with in-situ X-ray computed tomography. The microstructure and damage evolution of the material under continuous loading levels were accurately revealed by image reconstruction of CT data. There were inhomogeneous pores in SiCf/SiC composite because of the un-uniform fiber distribution in the preform. The result also showed that 2D woven SiCf/SiC composite had obvious non-linear characteristics by its compressive load–displacement curve, and the damage modes included transverse matrix cracking, interlayer cracking, longitudinal matrix cracking, and fiber bundle fracture. Matrix cracking tended to occur near the pores or holes of the material, and the number of longitudinal cracks was relatively high compared to the number of transverse cracks.
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