The Hall effect and the magnetoresistance of ferromagnetic Heusler alloys Co2YAl, where Y = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni have been studied at T = 4.2 K in magnetic fields H ≤ 100 kOe. Normal R0 and anomalous RS Hall coefficients are shown to be maximal in magnitudes in the middle of the 3d period of the periodic table of elements. Coefficient R0 changes the negative sign to positive sign in going from weak (Y = Ti, V) to strong (Y = Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni) ferromagnetic alloys. Constant RS is positive and proportional to ρ2.9 in all the alloys. The magnetoresistance of the alloys is not higher than several percent and its magnitude is changed fairly significantly in the dependence on the number of valence electrons z; the magnetoresistance signs vary arbitrarily.