We perform a comprehensive analysis of the minimal eclectic flavor group Q8 ⋊ S3 which is isomorphic to GL(2, 3), and all its irreducible representations are induced from the irreducible representations of Q8 and S3. The consistency conditions between EFG and generalized CP (gCP) symmetry are revisited, and we find the gCP symmetry compatible with the minimal EFG Q8 ⋊ S3. The most general forms of Kähler potential and superpotential based on Q8 ⋊ S3 are discussed, and the corresponding fermion mass matrices are presented. A concrete lepton model invariant under Q8 ⋊ S3 and gCP is constructed, in which the experimental data of all six lepton masses and six mixing parameters can be successfully described through seven real input parameters. The model predicts a vanishing effective mass mββ in neutrinoless double beta decay.
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