The new version of the Motion4D library is mainly an update to work with the four-dimensional ray tracing code GeoViS which makes full use of all the implemented metrics and geodesic integrators. New version program summaryProgram title: Motion4D-libraryCatalogue identifier: AEEX_v3_1Program summary URL: obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen’s University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 189793No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 6808546Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: C++.Computer: All platforms with a C++ compiler.Operating system: Linux, Windows.RAM: 61 MBytesClassification: 1.5.Catalogue identifier of previous version: AEEX_v3_0Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Comm. 182(2011)1386External routines: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) ( the new version supersede the previous version?: YesNature of problem:Solve geodesic equation, parallel and Fermi–Walker transport in four-dimensional Lorentzian spacetimes. Determine gravitational lensing by integration of Jacobi equation and parallel transport of Sachs basis.Solution method:Integration of ordinary differential equations.Reasons for new version:The main reason for the new version is the update of some methods to work with the four-dimensional ray tracing code GeoViS. Furthermore, some new metrics and integrators were implemented.Summary of revisions:The four-dimensional ray tracing code GeoViS [1] is based on the Motion4D library. All of the metrics and geodesic integrators of the library can be accessed by means of GeoViS’ scheme-based scripting language. For that, some methods had to be updated.In the following, a list of newly implemented metrics is given: •AlcubierreSimple: This metric uses a simplified warp bubble function compared to the original one by Alcubierre [2], see McMonigal et al. [3].•ChazyCurzonRot: The metric of the rotational Chazy–Curzon solution is taken from Stephani et al. [4].•Curzon: The Curzon metric in cylindrical coordinates is taken from Scott and Szekeres [5].•EinsteinRosenWaveWWB: A detailed discussion of the Einstein–Rosen wave with a Weber–Wheeler–Bonnor pulse can be found in Griffiths and Micciche [6].•ErezRosenVar: The original Erez–Rosen metric is quite intricate, see e.g. Krori and Sarmah [7]. Hence, we use here a reduced version with a simpler quadrupole term.•KastorTraschen: The Kastor–Traschen metric with two black holes is taken from Griffiths and Podolský [8] Furthermore, the Dormand–Prince 5(4) and 6(5) integrators taken from Guthmann [8] were implemented.Running time:The test runs provided with the distribution require only a few seconds to run.
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