The problem of Anderson-localization in two dimensions has been extensively studied recently [1-3] with particular regard to the role of this transition in the inversion layer [4, 5] at semiconductor surface. During the last tow or three years, it has been realized that this system affords a particularly useful tool for studying both electron correlation and disorder in 2D. Interest is further stimulated by our suggestion that the minimum metallic conductivity in 2D is a constant independent of the nature of the system where it is measured and our numerical results [1, 2] suggest a maximum metallic resistivity of about 30 000 O. This result has been verified on a number of samples of the MOS sutructure. In addition, an application [6, 7] of substrate bias to the same system allows the possibility of affecting a change in the random potential fluctuations as seen by the charge layer and several anomalous properties which have been reported using this technique are explained [8] within the framework of localization theory. These experiments provide the first experimental verification of certain aspects of the localization theory. There has also been reported an apparent variation [9] of the minimum metallic conductivity in some samples of the MOS device. Our universality suggestion derived within the framework of a one-electron model of homogeneous potential fluctuations points to the importance of considering either many-electron contributions or long range fluctuations (or both) in these systems. The macroscopic fluctuations (inhomogeneities) will have the effect of reducing the temperature at which true metallic behaviour will be observed thus obscuring the transition over the experimentally available temperatures. Such samples will show an apparent σmin at a higher value than the universal one. In order to address this problem further, we have performed a numerical experiment [10] in which we impose a longer range potential fluctuation in addition to the short ranged Anderson-like distribution and examined the consequences of a spatial dependent mobility edge. This has required the diagonalization of extremely large matrices and we have exploited an extension of the Lanzos algorithm developed by the author and Thouless (unpublished) for this problem. Most strikingly, our preliminary results show no variation of σmin in the presence of such long ranged fluctuations and in addition give further support for our universal value of σ ≈ 0.1 e2/h. Thus it is clear that if the measured σmin on these samples persists at values much larger than 0.1 e2/h at lower temperatures, the importance of interaction effects is established. As mentioned above, several properties which have been reported on the transport properties of the inversion layer are satisfactorily explained within the framework of localization theory if one allows a mechanism of Fermi level pinning. A detailed theory for this effect has not yet been put forward although the evidence for such an effect, I believe, is substantial. One possibility which takes into Coulomb repulsion supposes a strong interaction of the localized electron with the Fermi glass. The Coulomb repulsion between electrons in neighboring localized states encourages the occupied states to be more uniformly distributed. The empty ones, the, act as interstitial states which serve both to screen the electrons and are higher in energy. Such an effect has been dscussed by Efros and Shlovskii [11] and by Thouless in these proceedings. Under these circumstances, the Fermi level is rather more stable with respect to changes in the width of the external potential fluctuation (e. g. by applying a substrate bias which moves the layer closer to the surface) than the mobility edge which occurs at the unoccupied states for low electron densities.