This article contains the result of the theoretical and empirical study of personality and situational factors of laziness among young people and the presence of gender differences in the concept of laziness.
 Laziness is synonymous with a lack of motivation, unwillingness to do anything. Situational laziness is more of a temporary nature of the lack of desire to do something. Personal laziness is a set of determined human characteristics that attend it throughout life.
 Analysis of the results of self-assessment of laziness found that only 20% of respondents consider themselves to be a lazy person, while the other 80% consider themselves as hardworking.
 The most important personal determinant of laziness (in 83% of persons) were features of physical and psychological state. Namely: tiredness, desire to rest, drowsiness, no mood, the poor state of feeling, boredom, etc. Other determinants such as lack of opportunities, lack of interest, external pressure are less important and cause personal laziness in single cases.
 The personal and situational determinants of the laziness that have been investigated have different nature and manifestations. We believe that the features of the body condition can not be included in the group of personal determinants of laziness.
 Opportunity deficits (lack of perseverance, lack of skills and time, difficult task, other distracting problems) can be attributed to the personal determinants of laziness.
 Areas of maximum demonstration of laziness are (in descending order): professional (educational) activities, household chores, cases under pressure, and lack cases.
 Based on the analysis of the results of the study of self-regulation of laziness, we can speak about differences in the concept of laziness between men and women."Male laziness" is perceived as a feeling of unwillingness, apathy, inaction, and focused on the inner world and feelings. "Female laziness" is conditioned by the situation. More demonstrated as outward orientation, responsibility, feelings of guilt.
 Based on the results, it is planned to develop a program of correctional work based on a differentiated approach to people, taking into account factors that influence the manifestation of laziness.
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