Sixteen (16) cross bred growing rabbits of both sexes were used for the experiment to investigate, the performance of growing rabbits fed four (4) dietary levels of Ficus sycomorus and Parkia biglobosa leaf meals (FLM & PLM). The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD). The rabbits were randomly selected and allotted into four (4) treatments of four (4) rabbits per treatment. Each treatment had one rabbit as replicates per clutchs. Treatments 1,2,3 and 4 received 0% forage leaf meal, 5% Ficus leaf meal, 5% Parkia leaf meal, and 2.5% Ficus + 2.5% Parkia leaf meals respectively. The results obtained in this study revealed that feed intake of rabbits on diet 4 (85.39g), 1 (83.38g) and 2 (72.19g) were statistically similar (P>0.05) and significantly (P>0.05) higher than those fed diet 3 (66.73g). Rabbits on T1 diet attained the highest daily weight gain (15.18g) compared to rabbits on T4 (15.04), T2 (12.14g) and T3 (11.77g) respectively. Feed cost (N/Kg), cost/kg gain and daily cost/rabbit (N/d) decreased with inclusion level of forage meal in the diets, while T1 recorded the highest cost in all aspects. Feed conversion ratio was similar (P>0.05) across the treatments.
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