The characteristics, contingent on magnetic suspension technology, and the research results obtained by now open up the possibility that today's long-distance transport can be improved using the magnetic suspension ground transport system. Besides efficiency and profitability, low influence on the environment, considerable preservation of resources, and a high degree of safety are important developmental objectives. The development of the magnetic suspension ground transport system is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology within the scope of the Ground Transport System Technologies program. It began about 1970 and is proceeding in controlled project phases. The level of the development and selection of components and the functional tests reached by now form a sufficient basis for the next step, i.e., development and testing of the system. The electromagnetic suspension technology is first applied with the long-stator propulsion. Belonging to a tracked transportation system, Maglev vehicles are extremely well adapted for automatic operation. The synchronous long-stator propulsion with active windings in the guideway and fixed frequency/speed ratio also meets all requirements for automatic operation. Modulation of speed and thrust is done by stationary frequency changers. Close contacts are maintained with several states that are also working on the development of new long-distance transport systems. As a result of the development two applications appear to be possible: the magnetic suspension ground transport system as a superimposed long-distance transport system, and the magnetic suspension ground transport system as a solution to specific transport tasks in the medium-distance range. The technical problems to be overcome prior to the introduction of the magnetic suspension ground transport system are clear today. After termination of the system tests, the operating tests, and the studies performed in parallel, the decisions which will then be necessary can be made on a firm basis.