The RBC level is maintained at a very constant level, regulated through stimulating /ESF/ and inhibiting factors. The regulatory effect of RBC and compounds from RBC has been tested on ESF stimulated exhypoxic polycythemic mice, using the Fe incorporation into RBC as parameter. Both intact and hemolyzed RBC were able to inhibit erythropoiesis. The inhibiting factor did not contain heme. Elemental iron did not reduce the Fe59 uptake. On the contrary, Fe3+= ions rather stimulated ESF induced erythropoiesis, probably due to increased amounts of available iron. Increasing amounts of immature RBC in the testmaterial, reduced the inhibitory effect. An inhibiting factor was liberated into the incubation medium when RBC were incubated for 20 hrs. Mature HBC are able to produce a substance different from heme, with a negative feedback on erythropoiesis. In compensated hemolytic anemias having no elevated ESF levels, the increased erythropoiesis could be explained by hemolysis of the RBC before full maturation.
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